- 追加された行はこの色です。
- 削除された行はこの色です。
- HOL4 へ行く。
*HOL4 [#tb60deb7]
HOL4 is the latest version of the HOL interactive proof assistant for higher order logic: a programming environment in which theorems can be proved and proof tools implemented. Built-in decision procedures and theorem provers can automatically establish many simple theorems (users may have to prove the hard theorems themselves!) An oracle mechanism gives access to external programs such as SMT and BDD engines. HOL4 is particularly suitable as a platform for implementing combinations of deduction, execution and property checking.
*インストール例 [#he922c7d]
export CAS=/usr/local/CAS
sudo mkdir $CAS
sudo chmod 777 $CAS
cd $CAS
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/Munksgaard/mosml/archive/master.zip
unzip -x master
cd ./mosml-master/src
make world
sudo make install
cd $CAS
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/hol/files/hol/kananaskis-8/kananaskis-8.tar.gz
tar zxvf kananaskis-8.tar.gz
cd $CAS/hol-kananaskis-8
mosml < tools/smart-configure.sml
sudo ln -s $CAS/hol-kananaskis-8/bin/hol /usr/local/bin/hol4
*使用例 [#aaa58f1b]
echo -e "g \`! n. 1 + n <= 2 EXP n\`;
e Induct ;
e( RW_TAC(arith_ss++ARITH_ss)[] );
e( RW_TAC(arith_ss++ARITH_ss)[arithmeticTheory.EXP,arithmeticTheory.ADD1] );" | hol4
*リンク [#ibfe853b]
- http://hol.sourceforge.net/
- http://d.hatena.ne.jp/ehito/20130316/1363425373